How to troubleshoot when bdzsfx.x86.sfx is diagnosed as malware
There is “bdzsfx.x86.sfx” file in the installation folder of Bandizip (C:\Program Files\Bandizip) and you may find that the SFX file is occasionally diagnosed as malware by some antivirus software.
About SFX file
Most archiving software including Bandizip provides a feature of creating an archive file in EXE format. Since the EXE file created by this feature can be extracted without the aid of other third-party archivers, it is also called a Self-extracting archive (SFX) file. The “bdzsfx.x86.sfx” is used by Bandizip to create the SFX file.

Cause of misdiagnosis
While an SFX file itself does no harm to the system, malicious hackers may abuse the archiver’s feature of creating the SFX file and distribute SFX files containing malware.

Because of the possible threat, some AV software products diagnose an SFX file as suspicious malware without an accurate scan on the file and block it preemptively.
There is no malware with Bandizip itself, however, and you can use Bandizip with peace of mind. If any components of Bandizip are diagnosed as malware by the AV software on your system, refer to the user help of the software and add the misdiagnosed file(s) to the trusted file list.